carbine drills

5 Ways to Develop a Warrior Mindset

5 Ways to Develop a Warrior Mindset

Let's talk real talk. In life, you’ve gotta be sharp, both mentally and physically, to come out on top. This blog is going to guide you through the gritty streets and alleys of self-defense and badassery which all begins with having a warrior mindset. It’s not enough to just look tough or take a bunch of self-defense classes; it's about being tough and having a mind as sharp as a blade and ready to face whatever life throws your way. The warrior mindset is the armor that doesn’t rust. But how do we get there? Here are five ways to help you immediately unleash the beast and bring that vicious, brutal, and savage violence of action in the face of a threat.  

Firearms Speed Drills

Firearms Speed Drills

If you're a dedicated weapons system owner aiming to enhance your firearm prowess, you're in for a journey. If you're not already familiar, speed drills are like the secret weapon in a shooter's toolkit. These bad boys are designed to amp up your shooting game to a whole new level. These drills are not just for those who’ve been in the game for years; they’re for anyone with a fire in their gut and serious about leveling up their skills in the art of self-defense.  

Rifle Fundamentals

Rifle Fundamentals

Today we'll explore the Big Six components of the rifle draw stroke. Check out the video to see Dan Spagone, who has been one of our ISP and NLB lead instructors for almost a decade. He’s trained numerous civilians, and special operations in both the military and law enforcement. We’re gonna break down each step to enhance your technique.

How to Train With Limited Ammo

How to Train With Limited Ammo

If I tell a fellow AR enthusiast at my local range to fire off approximately 100 rounds, and they crank off 3x magazines of 30, will they be better a better shooter? They most likely will not because there aren’t many skills being implemented into those mag dumps.